jue, 13 abr
EBA Innovation Day: World-saving technologies
Horario y ubicación
13 abr 2023, 15:00
Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Acerca del evento
New technologies change our lives, create new opportunities for business and the development of countries.
Therefore, on April 13, the European Business Association, Global Business for Ukraine, ETH Zurich, and the Embassy of Switzerland to Ukraine invite you to Innovation Day: World-saving technologies, where the brightest representatives in technology and innovation will gather to discuss innovation trends, their impact on the world economy and people’s lives.
As part of the discussions, we will hear which technologies create additional threats to the world, and stimulate global development, the growth of businesses and nations.
- New technologies as possible game changer in Ukraine mine clearance
Frédéric Guerne, Founder and General Manager of Digger Foundation
- Trends and business impact of current cybersecurity challenges and how to overcome them
Amitabh Singh, CTO EMEA at Palo Alto Networks
- Innovations in green tech as a key to world’s security
Christina Marchand, Project Manager Innovation Monitor and Energy Startup Day at Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, ZHAW School of Management and Law
- Empowered by Responsibility: our Planet Ambitions
Tony Dunnage, Global ESG Director, Imperial Brands
- The Future of Microchips: More Silicon vs Beyond Silicon
Maksym Yarema, Assistant Professor, Institute for Electronics, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zurich
- The Role of Responsible AI in Democratizing Innovation
Marc Holitscher, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Switzerland
- Innovations in millitary technology
Mauro Gilli, Senior Researcher Center for Security Studies ETH-Zurich
Hence, don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and spend time with innovators constantly striving to conquer new heights.
The event will take place on April 13, 15:00 (CET Time), at ETH Zurich, a top-ranked institution in science, engineering, and technology. Address: Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich.
Note that prior registration is required, and only registered participants will be informed of any possible schedule changes.
In case of any questions, please, feel free to ask events@eba.com.ua
See you there!